Anxiety Therapy Leeds
Anxiety, the uninvited guest!
Most of my clients come to me at a moment of crisis or trauma in their lives. The coping strategies you may have used for years have often broken down and then maybe something too big to manage alone has come along. So you are coming to me for therapy, treatment or just help. The good news is that when we have finished you will look back on the crisis that brought you to me as a blessing in disguise. Once you have had anxiety treatment from a professional therapist, like me, you will understand the causes of your anxiety and we will have given you a set of tools and helped you to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at you.
Tree of Life Therapy is a private treatment service operating from a discreet location in Horsforth, Leeds. I use a combination of EMDR, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Counselling. This therapy combination will produce faster, stronger and long-lasting effects. See my services page for a more detailed description of how my anxiety therapy works.
Making anxiety therapy/treatment work for you
You can also support your own anxiety therapy by making positive choices. Everything from your activity level to your social life affects anxiety. Set the stage for success by making a conscious decision to promote relaxation, vitality, and a positive mental outlook in your everyday life. This may sound like an impossible thing right now but believe me, we will get there together
Maybe you are dealing with past trauma or old painful feelings?
Maybe we are simply imagining things that aren’t really true, inventing things that aren’t really there?
Perhaps your life has become a burden, and you just can’t seem to feel happy like you used to?
You may feel too stressed to keep up with daily duties and responsibilities?
You might feel like you want to run, to crawl into the corner, to escape to safety, to find solid ground again?
Yes, sometimes anxiety comes, unwanted and unexpected, instantly bringing a pounding heart, a racing mind, a feeling of sickness, a feeling of the ground falling out from under us.
When anxiety comes, in its all power, it can feel like “Something bad is going to happen!”. Our thoughts may tell us that we are about to die, or pass out, or have a heart attack or stroke.

There is a way out!
Therapy for Anxiety Can Help You Restore the sense of carefreeness and joy you have experienced before.
I provide a space where you can express yourself at your own pace and without fear of being judged. Together, we can conquer your anxiety and make positive changes in your life.
What can you Expect from Therapy for anxiety disorders?
When we understand what the problem is, we can develop a tailored treatment approach designed for your special needs
We will discuss different treatment options and decide on the best path of anxiety treatment for you.
You will receive a personalized action plan and learn skills, tools and more effective ways to cope that you can practice between sessions.
Counselling/psychotherapy to treat anxiety
We understand that this is very unhelpful, but we just can’t switch it off. It’s human nature.
In talking therapies such as counselling, we work towards breaking down your problems into smaller, more manageable parts. I teach my clients techniques for decreasing a sense of agitation and worries.
CBT as an anxiety treatment
Talking therapies such as counselling/psychotherapy/CBT/solution-focused therapy can be very effective and helpful but at times these are not enough to provide deep enough healing for my clients. They also take much longer for the client to feel good results from the therapy.
Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy for anxiety treatment
Once your subconscious mind has taken a new subliminal message in, it starts changing from the negative way of thinking to notice new more positive ways of thinking and reacting.
Using hypnotherapy as an anxiety treatment we can reach much faster results than if we would use only talking therapy.
In just a few sessions, you will notice your troubles or worries will start melting away while you are left with a positive, uplifting and confidence-boosting feeling about yourself.
Many people have described it as though a heavyweight has simply been lifted off their shoulders.
EMDR as an anxiety therapy
In this case, we will address it and work to neutralise the negative emotions around the traumatic event. It will result in illuminating the trigger and you eventually feeling calmer and at peace.
EMDR in combination with psychotherapy is the great solution for faster and long-lasting results. EMDR is the best therapy, in my opinion, highly recommended and used by NHS.

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