Anger Management Therapy Leeds

Do you feel that your anger is:

  • Hurting yourself or others?
  • Making you feel out of control at times?
  • Having a negative impact on your relationships?
  • Making you want to lash out or withdraw?
  • Causing you to say or do things you regret afterward?
  • Is making you feel you could be verbally or even physically abusive?
  • Can be caused by grief, divorce, or some kind of trauma?
  • From a feeling of frustration
  • From frustration with your life
  • From frustration with your job
  • From the frustration of your relationship
treatment for anger issues

If you answered yes to some or all of these questions I will be able to help you!

Counselling/Psychotherapy for Anger Issues will:

Counselling for anger
  • Help you to understand this emotion better and what it does for us.
  • Give you tools to notice the triggers and stop lashing out beforehand.
  • Provide you with anger management exercises to help you stay calm and in control
  • Allow you a safe place to explore the cause of your anger issues
  • Help you address your therapy for anger issues and help you deal with them


Treatment for Anger Issues will:

  •  Deal with the root cause or origin of the Issue.
  • Allow you to feel calmer and less bothered, instead of feeling overwhelmed and angry.
  • Help you to think clearly so you can stay in control and react more calmly.
  • Lessen the sensitivity to your current anger triggers or remove them altogether with therapy.
  • Allow you to enjoy your life again without feeling trapped by the feeling of anger or frustration.
anger issues
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