Have you ever wondered about how to heal from childhood trauma? Childhood trauma is something that affects so many of us in our modern lives. But, in many cases, it’s so easy to feel alone and terrified during this time. Luckily, though, while this can seem like a challenge, learning how to heal from subconscious trauma from childhood isn’t impossible. No matter what you might have faced and the burdens you’ve suffered, there are ways to heal fully from emotional trauma, so you can begin living your life again in the way that you deserve.

Remember: you absolutely deserve this chance to heal. No one should ever have to feel hurt, in pain, or afraid due to childhood trauma. With this in mind, as a specialist EDMR therapist and counsellor, I’m immensely proud to be by your side to help throughout the process. No matter what burdens you’ve been facing, I will be here to help you move on. So, if you’re feeling worried or low or unable to cope, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here for you.

You can start by watching this video which explained the power of EMDR therapy for trauma.


What is Childhood Trauma?


Before we go any further, we should start by defining childhood trauma. Indeed, for so many of us, it’s easy to overlook the pain we’ve experienced in childhood. Does this sound like a familiar situation to you? If so, then you may have suffered childhood trauma – potentially without even realising it.

Childhood trauma comes in many forms. Emotional childhood trauma is perhaps the most common type of childhood trauma. You might have noticed this in your own life, while growing up; neglect and abandonment are common examples. You may have also experienced physical or emotional abuse, leaving you feeling hurt and scarred. Finally, you may have experienced sexual abuse during childhood, which can leave you feeling incredibly low and pained going forwards.

Childhood trauma comes in so many different forms. With this in mind, it’s not necessarily easy to say what childhood trauma is. After all, it varies for everyone. However, if you are still feeling the impacts of events you experienced during your childhood as an adult, there may be a good chance you could have experienced childhood trauma.




How Childhood Trauma Can Hurt Your Life


So many people assume that childhood trauma isn’t “important.” It’s easy for us to assume that we’ll simply “grow out of” the emotional trauma and suffering we experienced as a child. After all, it was years ago.

Unfortunately, this – in the majority of instances – isn’t the case. Childhood trauma occurs during our most profound developmental years. As such, it’s incredibly common for these traumas and experiences to stay with us for years, even into adulthood. In turn, this can have numerous negative impacts on our lifestyle and happiness. Some of the most common impacts of childhood trauma can include:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Difficulties trusting other people
  • PTSD and long-term worry
  • Challenges with focusing and engaging with education
  • Increased risks of violence and anger as an adult as a “self-defence” mechanism

These are just a handful of the different ways that childhood trauma can hurt your life. However, you could also experience countless other struggles. For example, many survivors of childhood trauma also experience restlessness or can otherwise feel numb, lose touch with reality, and often struggle to feel comfortable in an adult-dominated world as they grow up.




How to Heal From Childhood Trauma


Childhood trauma can impact so many aspects of our lives, even as an adult. After all, we can’t simply outgrow it or forget that it happened. Nevertheless, there are ways you can learn how to heal from even subconscious childhood trauma.

The first step in the process of healing from trauma is simply coming to terms with the event. Whether we like it or not, these events happened, and none of us can rewind the clock; it’s a part of who you are today (and I promise: you’ll be stronger when you heal from this). However, acceptance of the event is crucial.

Once you’ve come to terms with your childhood trauma, recovery can begin. Therapy is one of the most effective solutions to help you move on from childhood trauma; of these methods, EDMR therapy and hypnotherapy can be especially valuable.

You can find a very useful video on EMDR therapy here:



EDMR therapy is a unique form of treatment that’s ideal for childhood trauma. Since many childhood traumas are subconscious, initially, you may not even realise how much they are hurting you. However, through EDMR therapy, you can begin to self-soothe by allowing your brain to reprocess these painful memories. EDMR therapists help your brain associate painful memories with more empowering, positive thoughts – making it easier to live with the experiences and move on from your suffering.

EDMR therapy is commonly used for patients suffering from PTSD, which can also be common for survivors of childhood trauma. In addition, it’s also a highly valuable tool for healing from abandonment anxiety, a further common cause. As such, if you have been looking to learn how to heal from childhood or emotional trauma, be sure to give EDMR a try.

In the meantime one of my favourite self help tools and techniques is EFT and Brad Yates is the best for it.

You can find the video here.





Don’t Face This Process Alone


Many people who have survived childhood trauma can find it hard to trust others. However, you should never have to face this recovery process alone. As such, talking with those closest to you, who you know you can genuinely trust wholeheartedly, may help ease the process. You can do it; believe in yourself, and you’ll soon begin to see amazing results and achieve the life you deserve.


make things happen


Final Thoughts


Suffering from any form of emotional trauma is an incredibly distressing experience. However, while you might be feeling hurt and alone right now, please don’t worry; there are people by your side to help you heal from this difficult time.

After all, learning how to heal from any emotional trauma you may have faced – even subconscious trauma from childhood – is possible. However, it takes time, patience, and often a little care from a compassionate counsellor to help. Luckily, this is where I can help ease your transition to a trauma-free life.

So, if you’d like to learn more about how to heal from childhood trauma and how this could be a good option for your own life, please reach out. I can’t wait to meet you, and I sincerely look forwards to sharing this new journey to recovery with you.