Being unwell always feels crap.

During the last year I’ve gone through a cycle where I’d feel unwell for a couple weeks, recover feel unwell again.

It’s not easy when you have your own business to run, clients are waiting for you, and nobody pays you for sick days.

So, I wanted to share with you that I have been battling my demons for a while, and the feelings I have experienced are:

  • Guilt – I am letting my clients down.
  • Frustration and the question of why. I look after my body and my mind carefully. I have a healthy diet, I am a climber and love my sports activities, I don’t drink or smoke, I am happy, I look after my emotional needs.
  • Feeling sorry for myself. Those who are aware of the poison parrot would probably know what I am talking about. Well, my poison parrot is in paradise when I am unwell. It has its strongest voice telling me that ‘’You are just old and crumbling apart!’’
  • Feeling of being worthless. I am a workaholic and hardly anything productive can be done while I am in bed.


But then comes the stubbornness and wanting not to ever give up.


think positive


Some kind of strength helps me to look at the positive side. What can I do while I am unwell? The feeling unwell has its positive side in the end. To be able to slow down, think, and reflect. Perhaps my body just needs some rest and that’s the way it shows me.

I can be in bed and listen to an interesting master class to find new ways to help myself or my clients. I can listen to some lecture on something about the power of the mind and remind myself that’s it is not all so sad and grey, that I have to help myself and fight with demons and my poison parrot.

In the tough moments of my life, I always refer to videos of Brad Yates, who is my magician. I found his new video today and I loved it. It made me quite emotional but brought my spirits back and put my mind in a much positive direction.

I choose to recover quickly

I choose to heal as fast as possible

I choose to love and honor myself


I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have done


I wish you all good health! Take care of yourself and always be kind to yourself!