EMDR is the best therapy

In my opinion, EMDR is the best therapy. It removes emotions that are related to a traumatic events and blockages caused by negative images which allows for well-being and emotional balance.

EMDR therapy helps us to unlock internal healing.

My job as a therapist is to help my clients to clear any negative beliefs, emotions, and change their unhelpful decisions made at the time of the traumatic incident.


During EMDR therapy, the clients can access their internal wisdom and not just rationalize what happened but also deliver this message to a resolved part of the brain.

This video will show you the power of EMDR


EMDR with Phobia.mp4




The first example


A child being bitten by a dog. At the point of the incident, the child had

  • Negative feelings (fear)
  • Negative self-belief (I am hopeless)
  • Negative decisions (dogs are angry and scary, so I need to avoid all dogs from now on)


Another example


Once upon a time when a child was about 9 years old his parents wanted to spend time on their own. They left the child with their grandmother. The child cried and asked them not to leave…for whatever reason. The parents decided to leave him because the child would be safe, and they were looking forward to spending some time together, but the child does not know that. The child does not have enough wisdom to understand that his parents need so time on their own.


So, what do you think the child feels?


  • He might feel rejected, lonely
  • His self-belief could be “I am unloved”


His decision could be to feel lonely and unloved whenever a similar situation happens.


The child grows into an adult, has a lovely family and children of his own, but every time his partner goes away for work or sport the adult regresses back to his inner child and feels a similar feeling of rejection and not feeling loved.


He might feel this so real, to the point that his logical part is not even there, that he can’t see the picture clearly and genuine beliefs that ‘’They don’t love him enough’’.


Often at the end of EMDR sessions clients see the image of the traumatic event as a part of the scene, but no longer feel in a centre of it!

Often the client would succeed in understanding objective forgiveness. It is important to understand that it is not a kind of sentimental forgiveness, but a rather unemotional understanding of the reason why someone harmed them or upset them.

This understanding and peace replaces anger, shame, self-blame, and desire for revenge. At this stage, the person feels that the past is indeed in the past.



Key Concepts of EMDR Therapy

1) Moves information from dysfunctional to functional parts of the brain

2) clears negative emotions

3) Helps to come to an objective understanding and forgiveness

4) Creates a sense of truth

5) Clears emotional, cognitive, and mental blockages and fears.

To know more about how I use EMDR skills click here

To learn more about EMDR click here