Depression Therapy Leeds
I describe depression to my clients as follows:
Depression is a bog – a heavy and sticky place. Somewhere dark, damp and dank, where you cant see the edge and can’t find the path out. You have no map, no compass and your GPS has run out of batteries.
One part of you wants to claw and fight its way out of the bog because it’s a horrible place to be, but it is so very hard to do it, so another part of you would be happy just curl up here and stop fighting.
The thought of trying to keep up with all of your personal and professional duties can be overwhelming, with every step you try to take, your feet are being sucked back down into the dark waters by the bog of Depression. You get lost in the Bog of Depression and you feel like you are staggering around in circles.
The longer we are in that Bog the more difficult is to get out of there and the more we feed that Bog the bigger it gets. The harder it feels to find your way out.
It’s OK to feel like this. You are not alone! I have been there too.
With regards to Depression, you will need to make small baby steps every day to be able to be FREE of it one day.
Even though Bog of Depression can feel horrible, Depression itself is not a problem, but it is a symptom of the problem which lies underneath. That’s what we will be focusing on in our depression therapy with you.
Remember! Depression is not the cause but the effect.
It’s the product of something. Depression is caused by one specific thing/event or multiple things piling up and pushing you down into the bog. We need to work out what they are and how we can work through them.
We will also look if you have some unresolved traumas which could lead you to feel depressed.
It could be anything from recent traumas or go back to your childhood.
It is important to know everything which could leave you feeling down depressed or hopeless.
When we understand what the problem is, we can develop a tailored treatment approach designed for your needs. Together we can create a personalized action plan, tools, and exercises so you can practice them in between our depression therapy sessions.
During our work, I will incorporate a variety of evidence-based skills to help you to get out of that Bog of Depression which is making you feel trapped and hopeless.
Everyone’s depression is a deeply personal thing. No two people will experience the same feelings or symptoms. There is no quick-fix solution and one size most definitely does not fit all.
We have to be willing to beat that depressive part of us and motivation will follow with time and effort!
That might feel impossible to do right now and it could be a long journey but with those baby steps and the right help you can start the journey out of the Bog of Depression.
I have the maps on my phone and my GPS is fully charged so let us start the journey together. You ready?

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