What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a successful form of psychotherapy treatment that is particularly effective for people with PTSD, or who are recovering from trauma. EMDR was developed in the late 1980s when the significance between distressing memories and eye movements was first understood. Since then, EMDR treatment has undergone extensive research and overcome initial skepticism to quickly become one of the most effective and widely used trauma treatments currently in practice today.

EMDR works by tapping into our brain’s natural ability to reason and categorize information by stimulating both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. Certified EMDR therapists will guide participants through a combination of rapid eye movement, hand gestures, and sounds while revisiting and processing through a traumatic memory. For a more thorough overview of how EMDR works, including a breakdown of the eight EMDR phases, click here.

Five Benefits to EMDR therapy:

EMDR therapy can positively influence the mind in many ways that continue to manifest long after EMDR sessions conclude. EMDR therapy is a low-risk treatment option with countless benefits, but here are five of the most powerful ways EMDR can change your life and help you heal from a traumatic past.

  1. You will no longer be haunted by the past.

    For individuals who cope with trauma or have PTSD, life can feel like a haunted house of triggers that you feel powerless against. After EMDR therapy, that state of constant fear and distress starts to diminish and fade away, and you will be able to overcome triggers instead of avoid them. EMDR therapy replaces negative narratives from the past with empowering and healing perspectives so that you are no longer held hostage by traumatic memories.

  2. Your memory will become sharper.

    During and following EMDR therapy treatment it is normal for a memory that was previously vague and ambiguous to become sharpened and focused. While EMDR treatment cannot make you forget a traumatic memory or help you remember a blocked memory, EMDR treatment is known for bolstering memory. Most EMDR participants report being able to distinctly recall sights, smells, and very specific details, especially from their childhood.

  3. You will likely experience vivid REM cycles and dreams.

    After EMDR sessions, dreams may seem far more vivid, and EMDR participants report a strong increase in their REM sleep. This is normal. Dreaming is one of the ways the brain processes trauma and heals itself, so rest assured that your mind is working exactly like it is supposed to. EMDR therapy taps into some of the most powerful recesses of your mind, and as a result, it takes time for your brain’s hyperawareness to return to normal. Because vivid dreaming can sometimes be upsetting, supporting grounding techniques will be taught to EMDR participants in Phase 2 of the EMDR treatment series.

  4. You will overcome triggers with confidence instead of panic.

When unresolved and unprocessed trauma is triggered, a limbic response such as a PTSD episode, panic attack, or other physiological response such as increased heart rate or sweaty palms can occur. EMDR treatment empowers participants by neutralizing the paralyzing power of unprocessed trauma. Essentially, the EMDR technique changes traumatized mental narratives, and as a result, the unwanted physical sensations and distress associated with the traumatic memory begin to fade.

  1. You will be healthier and happier.

    Healing from a traumatic experience can have a ripple effect in all areas of your life. Healing from trauma is not only possible, but it is also incredibly empowering. Many EMDR participants finish treatment with a new and improved outlook on life that leads to an improved sense of wellbeing. I help my clients find freedom by helping them reclaim control over their mind. I advocate for EMDR treatment because it brings the spiraling effect of trauma to a complete halt.

EMDR is one of the best modern therapy approaches to trauma recovery.

EMDR treatment is powerful and can help traumatized people heal from even the most distressing experiences. If you are ready to heal and eliminate emotional damage from past trauma and pain, then I urge you to take the next step forward with EMDR treatment. You do not need to be held hostage by a painful past. I believe that you deserve to live life liberated from trauma, and I would love to be an empathetic guide to you on your journey towards healing. If you believe you may be a candidate for EMDR therapy, please contact me today for a consultation.

Learn more about me and how I work.